7 Strategies When Exercise Hurts
When exercise hurts it doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to do it or won’t be able to reach your goals. Here are some practical strategies.

Getting Lean Without Getting Bulky
Getting lean AND healthy requires strength exercise. But what if you don’t want to get big and bulky? Should you still lift weights?

Should You Work Out When You’re Sick?
No one wants to work out when they’re sick. The vast majority of our clients would prefer to not work out at all if they didn’t have to....

3 Surprising Reasons Exercise May Be Easier Than You Think
It’s hard enough to get motivated to exercise when life is busy and other priorities take up your time. It’s even harder when you aren’t...

How Much Should You Exercise per Week?
When you don’t want your life to revolve around fitness, but would still like to get results from your workouts, there’s a minimum amount...

5 Common Lies About Getting In Shape
There are an exponential amount of lies regarding fitness and nutrition. Many of them come from businesses who want to sell you on their...

What Counts As Exercise? (The Difference Between Exercise and Activity)
Working in the garden. Hiking in the mountains. Vacuuming your entire house. Taking a ride around the bike trail. There are times when...

21 Sources You CAN Trust to Get You in Shape
You can’t trust just anything to help you get in shape. In fact, last week we exposed 7 undependable things specifically. This week is a...