Getting Your Diet Back on Track After the Holidays
Have you ever gotten a flat tire on your car and then decided to slash the other three tires? No? Then why do we do that with our diets?...

Fat Loss: Diet vs. Exercise & Where To Start
Would you be surprised if I told you I don’t believe in exercising for fat loss? I also don’t believe you should simply diet to lose...

7 Uncommon Fat Loss Tips
If the most common fat loss tips are such damn good advice, then why isn’t everyone lean and fit? Sometimes you have to step outside the...

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
Have you heard the average person gains about 10 pounds over the holidays? Well it’s completely bogus. I’ll tell you the real number in...

Stop Trying to Lose Weight (Even if You're Overweight)
If you’re overweight, you’re not alone. More than two thirds of the U.S. is right there with you. Want out of that not-so-exclusive club?...

Should You Go Low Carb?
Keto, Atkins, Paleo, South Beach... they've all had their 15 minutes of fame. These diets aren't all the same, but they do share one...