Eliminate meal time whining
Healthier snacking
Less cooking for parents

This is your resource to help your kids get involved in meal time so parents can enjoy a little down time. All activities are based on where your child is developmentally, helping them stay safe and feel like they're contributing to family meals.
This guide is your solution to:
So... we’re not exactly “normal” (just ask anyone who knows us well).
We don’t really even know what normal is. But we do know that we aren’t particularly excited about the thought of letting diet and exercise take over our lives, and that seems to be something a lot of people have in common.
Is that a weird thing for a personal trainer and nutrition coach to say?
Probably. But we’re ok with being a little weird. (Maybe that’s actually what normal is anyway.)
You don’t have to consider yourself normal for our coaching to work for you, but if you want to:
Lose belly fat
Have more energy
Master meal plans
Feel strong and confident
…and if you like the idea of doing that without having to live in the gym or spend all of your (limited) free time in the kitchen, we think you’ll fit in just fine.

👋 Hey, I’m Seth (I do the workouts and the writing).
That’s my wife, Megan (she does the nutrition and pretty much keeps our lives running 👍).